Shortlisted 2016 AIA Victorian Award for Public Architecture
Conceptual framework:
This project provides for a contemporary and state-of-the-art addition to the previous award winning Hospital campus as a new and integrated Feature Single Entry to the Kyneton eHealth and Wellbeing Precinct. The scope involved a new Ambulatory Care Centre, upgrade of existing building infrastructure, extension of car parking and re-location of the helipad to allow for provision of future development.
Public and Cultural Benefits:
The expansion of current services and inclusion of new services will enable the agency to develop further their model of care that focuses on prevention, early intervention and high quality integrated care. The aim is to keep the patients well to ensure they participate as best they can in life and work, rather than simply looking after them when they are ill. The facility is equipped with state of the art technology to improve access to tele-medicine aided diagnosis and treatment; and also includes technologically sophisticated clinical training facilities to support the recruitment and retention of the rural health workforce.
Relationship of Built Form to Context:
The building design complements the existing buildings and implements a clear strategy to achieve a seamless architectural transition from old to new.
Program Resolution:
The facility design offers a safe, secure environment for clients and staff and has three clear zones: public, clinical and staff only. Patients are directed toward a single public reception point and shared waiting areas in the Ambulatory Care Centre which services Primary Care, CRC and Mental Health. Workstation & communal facilities have been located to provide maximum amenity with outlook and breakout to landscaped “green areas”. The new CRC therapy areas also provide for secure access to a mobility garden.
Integration of Allied Disciplines:
In all of our work, we strive for innovation and new solutions to the problems of living with climate change in the 21st Century. Integration of Allied Disciplines was critical to the successful delivery of our vision for the project and its advanced sustainability initiatives.
Cost/Value Outcome:
The project was developed and procured through an intensive value management process, resulting in a highly cost-effective solution to the client’s specific requirements.
From the outset we focussed on Adaptive Reuse of the decommissioned Nursing Home wing
All rainwater is harvested for reuse, all windows are shaded with feature façade systems and landscape designed to contribute to passive building operation with indigenous selections.
Long term future proofing for the systematic expansion of the facility has been embedded into the design.
Response to Client and User needs:
Through the development of this ambulatory care centre, KDHS aims to ensure high quality health care is delivered to the people of Kyneton and surrounding areas in an integrated fashion at the local level.