This Masterplan was prepared by CWA for Wimmera Health Care Group (WHCG) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority (VHHSBA) to evaluate a range of options and to identify a preferred strategy for the redevelopment of the Wimmera Hospital Campus in Horsham.
The 2018 Masterplan for the WHCG site was based on the needs as identified in the Functional Brief.
General Priority areas were identified and clustered under the following headings:
Patient and Staff Amenity
Operational Management Issues
Community Services
These general priorities were explored across a series of workshops and three key priorities were agreed by the Executive Team.
These three priorities for Masterplanning are, to improve the:
Aged Care Amenity - Limited privacy in patient bedrooms, including too few single rooms & ensuites
In-patient Unit Amenity - Limited privacy in patient bedrooms, including too few single rooms & ensuites
Capacity of the Emergency Department (ED) - including opportunities to co-locate a fast track clinic and / or a short stay area
Based on the priorities listed above, Masterplan options were developed by the consultant team taking into account the following:
The high level clinical relationships and adjacencies between departments as detailed in the Adjacency Matrix
Key patient journeys to test whether, from a patient’s perspective, they succeed in removing potential barriers for the patients as they navigate their way through the hospital
The potential size of the hospital was based on the Australian Health Facility Guidelines (AusHFG) and benchmarking. This sizing has been incorporated into a high-level Schedule of Accommodation (SOA) to inform the Masterplan
The Project Consultant Team prepared a number of Masterplan options for the redevelopment of the WHCG site, with a preferred option endorsed for the following key reasons:
Successfully addressed the key problem areas in the shortest possible timeframe
Initial staged works successfully address current capacity issues associated with the Emergency Department. Its expansion creates an opportunity for the development of a fast track clinic and / or a short stay area
Initial staged works successfully address the Inpatient Amenity - the expansion of the exisiting inpatient unit facilitates an increase in single and two bed rooms including ensuite facilites. It also delivers a new Higher Dependency Unit / Intensive Care
Initial staged works successfully address the Aged Care Amenity - the inclusion of a new Aged Care Unit resolves the current resident amenity issues
Interruption of day-to-day clinical operations is minimised throughout each piece of the redevelopment project
Increases opportunities for alternative funding sources rather than solely capital i.e. Regional Health Infrastructure Funding may be available for the ED expansion or inpatient conversion
Provides a new single main entry for the hospital
Has a clear community focus with Cafe & Education near the main entry
Landscaped masterplan for site with long views & vistas